How I Fell Back In Love With My Husband

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Kids change you. Sometimes for the better. Sometimes for the worst. Sometimes both.

I really didn’t want kids. But my hubby wanted kids someday. I figured “someday” I would be ready. He wanted two kids, no more and no less. Well a surprise pregnancy made “someday” came quicker than I anticipated. And hubby got his wish of two kids… it was twins!

Six months later our world got turned upside down when our twin boys were born premature; just shy of our 4th year wedding anniversary. While they spent 100 days in the NICU I lived away from home to be near them. We were in survival mode for those days and beyond while we cared for fragile babies. All our focus was on them.

The situation, along with other disasters that took place (when it rains in pours) took its toll on us. We both changed into very different people very quickly. I didn’t know who I was anymore; I didn’t know who he was anymore. I was upset at all the changes I couldn’t control. We had a recipe for disaster. In the midst of it all… I began to fall out of love with my husband.

I was resentful at him for changing and mad at him for not fixing it; there wasn’t a problem from his perspective. It made me angrier that my feelings were not validated. I wanted us to make a plan, agree to changes; but that isn’t how it works, I know that now. I just didn’t know how to fix it. On top of it I felt guilty for the way I was feeling. It seemed so hopeless at the time.

Change is on the horizon-

Just after the boys second birthday my husband and I went on a vacation for 4 days, just the two of us. I really didn’t want to at first; a family vacation is what I had been wanting. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to be without the kids for an extended time; also, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be alone with him for that amount of time. What would we talk about? How would we be without the kids as a buffer? But the in-laws offered to watch the kids and you just can’t pass that up! Besides, taking the kids would have just been plain exhausting and it wouldn’t have been much of a vacation. So, the two of us drove to the beach. And the healing began.

I hadn’t gotten a chance to relax in two years. We hadn’t gotten to be a couple in two years. We held hands, we kissed, we embraced… we did a lot of things. A vacation from our life as parents was much needed. I could feel the stress lift and I started to see things clearer. I got to appreciate what I had in front of me and I got to feel appreciated myself.

Over the next few months the healing continued as I embraced the new him, the new me, the new “us.” I was only miserable by insisting he change. I was only miserable to not accept my circumstances and being okay with them. I realized what needed to change was my attitude. Once I realized that… I was able to heal; “we” were able to heal.

When we got back home we made sure to go on monthly date nights to nurture our relationship further. These special nights together have evolved into appreciating “us” every day. I now look forward to alone time with my husband.

Another thing that helped me heal further was getting a project. I started writing right here for Twiniversity. It gave me an outlet to express myself and have something that was “mine” to help me heal as an individual and gain confidence. It surprisingly added an element to my marriage which I didn’t expect. My husband became interested in something I was doing and I had something to add to our conversations instead of just talking about what the boys did that day.

I wanted to share this very personal story to let others know that if you are at the end of your rope, there is hope. Love can be found again. You found it once, and you can find it again. Then when the next big storm hits, you know you can weather it together.


We have another giveaway from Babeland. Today we have a Body Kit to help you connect with your partner by setting the mood with massage oils, candles and more. Check it out here. Enter below for you chance to win. We will pick two winners for this prize.


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Love Your Sexy, Pregnant Self

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Written byMary- Staff writer for Babeland

I’ve been somewhat overwhelmed by the number of articles that I have found online about pregnancy and  body image.  I find myself turned off to these articles when I see them because most of them have messaging like, “don’t worry your body will return to normal” or “it’s okay to eat more now that you are pregnant”.  I get it, there is a lot of pressure out there for women to stay skinny and the pregnant body is far from that.  But this kind of messaging creates the image that a pregnant body is not a sexy body.  I must beg to differ.

I have never felt sexier than I do not that I’m pregnant.  From watching my belly grow bigger and bigger to the cleavage that I never thought possible.  Here is my list of the top 10 ways that I’ve enjoyed my sexy body during pregnancy:

1. Maximize the cleavage.  I’ve never had huge boobs and now that I have them I totally want to flaunt them.  It’s probably because they are only temporary so I feel the need to enjoy them while they last.  But whatever the reason, it certainly makes me feel sexy to push up the boobage a little bit to get the most out of what I’ve got.

2. Practice yoga.  It’s not something I did much before my pregnancy but now that I’m pregnant I’m sure to do a little prenatal yoga in the morning to help stretch out my body and make room for baby.  I have found that my prenatal yoga DVD helps me to enjoy my changing body and really be in touch with the changes that my body is going through.

3. And with that, stay present with your body.  I have found myself totally lost in the moment feeling those baby kicks.  Enjoying the moment and the experience that is so unique to my own pregnant body has helped me to stay connected and appreciate the uniqueness that my body is experiencing.

4. Do those kegels.  I hear it (and say it) all the time, the important role of kegel exercises in pushing during labor and healing after pregnancy.  And it’s true.  But there is another good reason to do kegel exercises – pleasure!  I will pop in my smart balls for an hour or two, flex those muscles and feel the pleasure of the exercise.

5. Masturbate often.  Masturbation is always a  great release and has helped me feel really connected to my own body.  Using toys or hands has helped me explore my body and all of its changes during pregnancy.  I have found my clit to be extra sensitive during pregnancy and my nipples respond surprisingly well to stimulation.  Enjoy your changing body – and the more powerful orgasms that you are probably feeling as well.

6. Ask for what you want in the bedroom.  My body has changed and so have the types of stimulation that I enjoy.  Letting my partner know what feels good has given him a sense of pleasure to know what he can do to please my pregnant body.

7. Pamper yourself.  I’ve heard this one a lot too, even before I was pregnant.  Knowing that soon there will be a little one running around taking all of my attention has helped me realize that the time to enjoy myself is now.  Manicures, pedicures, massages – all of these can be a special treat that makes you feel sexy from head to toe.

8. Use pillows as props.  As my body continues to grow throughout the pregnancy I have found that sex gets awkward because I can’t seem to find the right position.  Pillows and wedges have been my savior.  My favorite is the iceberg which is small enough to store under the bed or in the closet but the perfect size for boosting my bum.

9. Buy some sexy lingerie. Sometimes wearing maternity clothes can feel like I’m putting on a garbage bag every day (when am I  going to be able to wear those tight jeans again?).  I have a sexy piece of lingerie that I will slip into any time I need that boost in confidence.  And I don’t just wear it for my partner; who says you can’t clean the house in sexy lingerie?

10. Have that “sex after pregnancy talk”.  This is an important conversation to have and talking about sex can feel just as sexy as having it.  I felt sexy just thinking about all of the ways that we would keep sex alive once the baby comes along.  It’s important to remember how sexy you are and how sexy you will continue to be after giving birth.

One of the most significant things that I have learned during this pregnancy is that how sexy I feel is how sexy others will see me.  While I’ve seen a lot written about how your partner can make you feel sexy during pregnancy, there is a lot to be said for how you can make yourself feel sexy.  No matter how your body is changing – whether it be stretch marks or extra weight gain in the ass and thighs – there is always something sexy about your pregnant body.  Take time and enjoy your sexy, pregnant self!

Today we are giving away a set of Luna Beads kegal balls. This will help not only the birthing process but also in bed. 😉 So enter below for your chance to win!!

*Babeland packaging is discreet. Please enter the address where you wish the prize to be sent to if chosen to be one of our winners.


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10 Tips to Help Your Marriage Thrive


Having marriage troubles? You’re not alone.

If you go to our forums on Big Tent and type in “marriage” you will find many others who are going though or have gone though a point were their marriage was stressed to the max and even seemed hopeless. MANY couples go though a rough time when kids arrive and change the dynamics of the relationship. But those tests can help strengthen your relationship in the long run.

*We are not therapists and this series of articles are only for moral support.

Below is some great advice from our very own Twiniversity members about how they worked though the hard times. Maybe one of these will help you reconnect with your spouse? Also scroll down for today’s giveaway to help you connect in another way. 😉

  1. Prioritize Relationships- “I always tell my children that “mommy & daddy” time is mandatory, it trumps everything else. If my husband and I aren’t good, then the kids don’t stand a chance. Our twins brought our total number of kiddos to 7. There is no way our family would be as strong as it is without making our relationship #1. Talk, text, date, leave letters, flirt, put special gifts or notes in his car at night so that he can find them on his way to work. Be creative but make your relationship #1, dare I say even before the children.”
  2. Solitary time- “Yes, it is important to have “us” time, but also important to have “me” time so you don’t loose yourself which can cause resentment that adds to marital discord. Try to do something for yourself to recharged your battery. When I’m refreshed I start to feel sexy again and that helps me connect with my husband in ways he needs.”
  3. Movie Night– “Kids don’t reinforce a relationship, they test its absolute limits (and sometimes beyond). To repair a relationship my advice is this, and although you both wont feel like it at all, have a weekly date. For us its Saturday night, we go out on the early side and go see a movie first (very important) and go to dinner after. The movie will allow you to disconnect and forget all the heart hake for a moment and at dinner, if you have nothing to say, you will at least he the movie to talk about. Try it, your twins are worth it, so is he and so are you. Remember, every Saturday, movie 1st.”
  4. Be Committed- “Be committed to working it out together regardless of what stands in the way. Learn the art of compromise, priorities, and embracing each other’s faults.”
  5. Remember to Laugh- “Remember to laugh and have fun in every moment available. Don’t take yourselves to serious!! Oh and make time for sex and make it fun!”
  6. Projects Together- “Doing projects together and working together as a team, even if only one person is doing a project, the other stays involved as company while accomplishing it.”
  7. Projects for Just You- “Especially if you are the one who stays home with the children this is a must to have something that is just yours! I remember resenting that my husband got to go to work and have a break from the kids and have adult interaction. A project could be learning how to sew, starting a small business like selling home made knit hats, Yoga, anything. Helping yourself feel like an individual will help you not resent your partner.”
  8. Mini Vacation- “Every year for our anniversary we go away for 1-3 nights. That really helps.”
  9. Reevaluate Yourself- “You may not know it, but you may be too controlling in raising the twins “your” way which may leave your husband feeling like he can’t do his part for fear he will disappoint you. I know I suffered from that – “martyr mom syndrome”, often to my own detriment. Sometimes you have to let go and just smile when the diaper is put on backwards or soap was used before the shampoo. Walk away and go and do something constructive instead of hovering like a helicopter wife! Trust me, a man will never do it like you can, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”
  10. Fake It- “Fake it till you make it! I don’t mean just let him have his way, but try to act interested and then you will become interested. Constantly turning your husband down to be intimate because you are to tired or your not in the mood can become a habit. Give him a chance to turn you on. I know that as a mom of young twins I feel like everyone constantly wants something of me, and most nights the last thing I want after the kids go to bed is him wanting something from me too. But when I allow “it” to happen, I usually am glad I did. And eventually I started wanting “it” myself.”

JimmyJane Vibrator

What is your top tip for making a marriage work?

Would a little spice in the bedroom help you reconnect? Today we are giving away 2 JimmyJane Form 3 Vibrators from Babeland to add some spice to your love life. Fill out the form below to enter to win one. Surprise your husband with wanting to fool around or surprise your wife with wanting to help her reach her peak.


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Babysitters Saved My Sex Life

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Written By Anne – staff writer at Babeland

Don’t worry, this is not a post about dating babysitters. It’s about using babysitters so you can go on a date. My first piece of advice to all moms is this: use babysitters as often as you can, it will save your sanity first, and your sex life second. No excuses.

I was the first among my circle of friends to get pregnant (at the ripe old age of 32). Many of my friends and coworkers offered to babysit, and I tell you, if I had it to do over again, I would have taken each one of them up on their offer then and there. But I didn’t for reasons that will sound familiar to all moms: I thought it was a lot to ask, or that they didn’t really mean it, or that they didn’t think they could handle it, or I didn’t feel like arranging it.

However, every parent fantasizes about having a stable full of talented, reliable, available-at-a-moment’s-notice babysitters, so they can have some privacy and time off from the demands of child-rearing. That’s not a reality for most of us, so the next best thing is to plug into a local parent’s network and start getting recommendations for paid babysitters, and testing them out till you get two or three you like.

The biggest excuse I hear for not hiring babysitters is money. At ten bucks an hour, plus the price of your dinner and movie out, you can see why many parents talk themselves into staying home. But it is worth it, I promise, because you need a night off to relax, or a weekend off to reconnect.

So first exhaust all your free options: hit up friends and family members you’d trust with your kids. If you know other moms, offer to “swap” nights–you take her kid one night, she takes yours another. (As your kids get older, this is a golden babysitting arrangement because the kids entertain each other). Some parents even start baby-sitting co-ops. But eventually you’ll find yourself needing to hire a sitter on short notice, so accept that and start the “get a babysitter for date night” fund. You might even decide to hire a babysitter on “retainer” because then you’ll have both a regularly-scheduled date night and a reliable sitter. Because I’m a  mom who puts her money where her mouth is, I’m going to pass on some money-saving tips–so you can take whatever cash you free up with one of these tips and put it immediately into this fund!

  • Find lower interest rates on credit cards and loans
  • Get a roommate to share expenses or share a house with another parent
  • Buy second hand clothes, appliances, furniture
  • Bring bag lunches to work
  • Skip the high end coffee drinks, put the money in a babysitting fund
  • Sell your car and take public transportation
  • Find recurring expenses that you can do without or cut down on: cell phone plans, cable TV, gym memberships, music downloads
  • Comparison shop online for lowest prices, special offers, reduced rates, free shipping, etc.

For more Money savings tips from Twiniversity read this article- Cutting Corners for Multiple Savings

So make date, get a baby sitter, grandparent, sister, best friend…. whoever, and rediscover each other… emotionally and physically. To help you we are giving away a Honeymoon in a box kit from Babeland. The kit includes vibrators, flavored lube and oil, and a dirty dice to help keep things spontaneous. Just don’t blame us if you get one or two new additions to your family….lol

FOUR Twiniversity winners will be chosen for today’s prize. *All their supplies come discreetly packaged when delivered.* Just fill out the form below (one entry per person) and we will announce all winners Nov 5th. We will have giveaways every day this week so come back every day to see what we have for you.


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