Letter to Mothers of Baby Twins


Dear Mom of young twins,

I am a mother of four. My twins are my oldest and are now almost eight years old. It seems like a long time ago that they were babies, but not so long ago that I have forgotten. On this Mother’s Day, I’m remembering when my babies were young and I thought I could share a few things I learned.

Twins create public spectacles. You’ve already heard “You have your hands full.” In fact, you might have even heard this at the hospital. Since you will continue to hear this comment every time you leave the house, it is best to prepare your response now. My favorite is “If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.”

Twins are lucky in the long-run, but you may not feel like that at first. It is normal to feel guilty when both of your babies are crying and you have to choose which one to comfort first. Sometimes you will cry right along with them, because your mother’s heart will ache for the baby left crying in her crib. In those moments, remember: whatever comfort your baby is denied those early months will be more than compensated by the comfort of growing up with a built-in best friend.

Twins are more work, even more than double the work of a single baby. You are exhausted for good reason. Taking care of two babies is mentally and physically draining. Amongst all the difficult times are moments of complete cuteness overload, where your heart is bursting. Hold onto these and seek them out around every corner. You will find them amidst the long sleepless nights and the long sleepless days. “The days are long, but the years are short.” There were and are lots of long days, but the years seem to have passed in a blink.

Twins don’t need to learn to share toys when they are babies. Picture all of those babies playing with their toys and not a single person expecting a baby so young to share, your twins deserve that too. If they have a favorite toy, it is more than acceptable to get two of them. You are not spoiling them – they will have lots of opportunities to learn to share! The same goes for things like bouncers and swings: you have two babies, there will be lots of times you will want them both comforted by a swing! Never feel guilty for doing things the easier way if it isn’t hurting anyone.

Mary's Twins back in the day

Twins make big moments double the fun. My favorite baby twin milestones: 6 months (a routine was well underway and I felt human again – I suggest a mini-party to celebrate), sitting up and crawling (they were so much easier to entertain during playtime), hugging each other, first birthday (we all made it), and walking (I didn’t have to carry them from room to room).

One of the most important pieces of advice I can give is this: When people offer you help, accept.

Happy thoughts of sleep-filled nights to you!

Mary Johanson

-Mary Johanson is a mother of four, Professional Organizer, and Blogger. She shares organizing and homemaking tips and tricks on her blog, Mary Organizes. You can also follow her on Facebook.

Celebrate MoMs Week with The Grandparent Gift Co.!

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This week is Celebrate M.o.Ms Week, giving recognition to all of you fantastic Mothers of Multiples for all you do. Today we’ve partnered with The Grandparent Gift Co. to bring you some wonderful prizes!

With Mother’s Day right around the corner we want you to STOP and smell the roses today and realize that all our hard work is paying off. We want you to press PAUSE and look at your children in a different light. Look at all they accomplished. Look at how far they have come from the first time you held them in your arms.

PAUSE and think about how the saying “Time Flies When You’re Having Fun” is so true. Sure, we know it’s not all fun and games, no one knows that better then us, but you know there are moments that make you smile no matter how dark the day.

Need a gift for your mom or grandma? Check out our Pinterest Board.

If you kids forget to tell you today, we will….WE appreciate you. We know how hard you work. We know how being a mom often has little in the way of pay (in relation to cash that is) but is a priceless job that you wouldn’t trade in for the world.

Today, we have a gift for you… The Grandparent Gift Co. is celebrating our M.o.M’s right along with us. Familiar with them? The Grandparent Gift Co. offers unique, sentimental gifts for the entire family. Created by owner and mom of twins!!! Teri Harrison, in 1995, The Grandparent Gift Co.’s goal has always been to find fitting, beautiful, meaningful words to celebrate or remember a life moment, milestone or person. They sincerely hope the recipient understands the sentiment and loves it enough to share it with others and keep it somewhere very dear. The company has many unique gift categories for twins, ultrasound gifts, grandmas, grandpas, godparents, siblings and more.

Today’ we would like to show our appreciation to you by giving you a sweet, sentimental gift. You will either win the Twin Milestones Framed Keepsake or Surrounded by Family with Love Frame.

How do you win? Just fill out the form below and we will be picking a winner on May 1st so you have a chance to get it in time for the big Mother’s Day Celebration in your home.

[gravityform id=”70″ name=”Celebrate M.o.M with The Grandparent Gift Co.”]

In addition to the two prizes we’re giving away today, The Grandparent Gift Co. has two current offers that you can take advantage of. You can recieve a 15% discount coupon code by signing up for their newsletter or liking their facebook page, and they offer free shipping with a $60 purchase. (Please note only one promotion applies, so if you reach free shipping, the coupon would not be valid as well.)

So STOP and smell the roses today!

Amazing Gifts for Mom & Dads of Multiples

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By: Laurie Danas- Mother of three girls including preschool fraternal twins. She was a first grade teacher for 10 years prior to being put on bedrest with the pregnancy of her twin girls. She is stay at home mom, former teacher and freelance writer.  Blog:  TwinkieMommie Website:Parenting Multiples Examiner Twitter @twinkiemommie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TwinkieMommie”

Moms and Dads of multiples undeniably merit the best on Mother’s and Father’s Day. From NICU stays to expanded bellies, sleepless nights, juggling feeding, burping and playing with multiples, traditional gifts might not be sufficient in expressing appreciation for what a parent of multiples does for their family.

When choosing a gift, consider the age of your children. If your kids are still tiny, a small break like being able to go shopping alone, or taking a long shower or nap can be an enormous gift.

Homemade Options:

There are so many things you can make using handprints, including creating a handprint flower on a t-shirt for mom or a handprint covered baseball cap for dad. Photo gifts are another option and are perfect for any age children. You can have a photo of your children printed on something like a shirt or coffee mug to enjoy all year long, or take pictures of your children holding letters that spell out messages. Then frame the pictures spelling out “MOM”, “DAD” or any other special message. Inexpensive wooden letters and frames can be found at craft stores.

Possible Items for Purchase:

If you would rather go the store bought route, the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More, is a collection of heart-warming storiesand is a must-have for parents of multiples. More