Win a month’s worth of formula for your tots AND pick up some formula feeding tips!

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With all the discussions about breastfeeding your twins here on our site, we decided that it’s time to give our formula feeding parents some love.

Here are some of the best formula feeding tips that our community has come up with:

  • Purchase 8oz wide neck bottles ONLY. The wide neck will make it easier to scoop the formula in (powder) and you’ll eventually need 8oz anyway, so save yourself a trip to the store and some money but just getting one set.
  • Get them used to room temperature formula. Being able to buy a bottle of water or using water from the tap makes life so much easier.
  • Don’t feel guilty! I was pumping and using formula, its tough not to be too hard on yourself. Be at peace! More

Will New York City start a trend and discourage families from using formula?

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If the mayor has his way, these bottles won't be filled with formula!

New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is pushing for stricter laws regarding how hospitals provide formula to new parents.
Mr. Mayor is trying to encourage families to breastfeed, but to me, this only seems like he is trying to make decisions for us.

As a mother of premature twins (now 7 years old) I tried my best to breastfeed, but since it took my milk five days to come in, my twins did have to rely on formula till I was “up and runnin”. How would the new law deal with a situation like mine? I’m offended that he is even getting involved in what is under my bra!

If he is so concerned about the lack of NYC mama’s (like myself) breastfeeding (only 35% compared to the national average of 70%), perhaps he should start allowing pumps to be given (even on loan) to any new mother. Perhaps he should have more lactation consultants on call in each hospital. Perhaps he should allow new mothers the opportunity for a home visit from a nurse or lactation specialist after they deliver. Perhaps he should attempt to breast feed twins after a traumatic delivery where he almost loses his life. Perhaps then he will understand my point of view.

I’m not saying I have all the answers, but I am saying that Mr. Mayor should not involve himself in such a sensitive issue like breastfeeding when our New York City schools don’t even have enough desks for every child.

I’m also not saying that moms should rely on formula. What I am saying, is that there are MANY different situations where families have to rely on formula to feed their children.

In my opinion, it’s not up to the Mayor to police all these different situations.

Here is our local news report. What’s your two cents on the topic?

Want to debate this Mr. Mayor? Email me at I’ll be thrilled to have a chat about it.

-Natalie Diaz, Founder of Twiniversity

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