Accidents happen every day. Most of them are small and only require a kiss to make them better. But sometimes, first aid is required. Being prepared is the key when these events happen so we can remain calm and take care of our child, or whoever needs our loving care. Having a stocked and up-to-date first aid kit is important in these instances. Do you have one in your home? Do you know what’s in it? Do you know how to use the items? Is anything expired? If you are building a new kit or updating one you already have, here are some tips to know how to be prepared.

Where should you store a first aid kit? It should be stored in a cool, dry place and be readily available to adults, but out of reach from children. Do not store it in the bathroom where it can get moist. Make sure everyone in the house knows where it is, including anyone who comes to care for your children while you are away. A first aid kit should also be kept in your vehicle. You never know when a fall at the park may require some bandaging or a sudden allergic reaction needs to be addressed. More