Friday Funny :: Turn It On

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Hours of fun can be found in the simplest of things!

If you have any funny videos sent the YouTube links to

Friday Funny :: Birth Order

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A British teen sets the record strait about twin birth order… lol

If you have a funny video of your twins, send them to to be considered for our next Friday Funny segment. We can’t wait to watch them!

Friday Funny :: Sculpture Interpitations

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“We took the boys to visit UCLA’s campus last night and ended up spending about an hour exploring the Murphy Sculpture Garden. The boys just loved giving their interpretations of all of the sculptures. It seemed like a wonderful open-ended exploration of the fine arts… until Caleb got to this last piece 🙂 We haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!!! Just watch!”-Calab and Mathews Mom

Do you have a funny video of your multiples? Send them to and you may see them featured on our next Friday Funny segment. YouTube links preferred.

Twinnies of the Month :: January 2013:: Aiden and Kiernan

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Aiden and Kiernan turn 4 years old this month

Their mother tell us why her twins rock!

“What makes Aiden and Kiernan special is their eagerness to help others. They are the first ones to offer to help their teachers clean up and the first ones to offer assistance to fellow classmates. They enjoy helping people; they have a big heart and are truly compassionate towards others. Their regard to others is exceptional and they often find ways to help those around them whenever possible. More

Friday Funny: Spaghetti Dreams

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To eat or to sleep, that is the question…. lol You have to watch this video of these cute twin boys.

Friday Funny: Vroom! Vroom! Goes the Vacuum!

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Do you have a funny video of your multiples you would like to be featured on our website? Send the YouTube link to Can’t wait to see them!!

Thriving with three-year-old-twins

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Written By: Christy Herselman -wife and mother to 3 year old twin boys and 5 year old daughter.

A few weeks ago I was having a particularly rough morning with my gorgeous twin boys, Blake and Ryan who have just turned three. To be honest, it has been a rough three years. I felt overwhelmed and inadequate. Feeling that I needed to reach out to someone who could truly understand my feelings and to reassure myself that I was semi-normal, I messaged Jill at Twiniversity. I asked for any advice or input from the moms out there.

I was completely overwhelmed by the response: seventy seven messages, including words of encouragement, sage advice and most importantly moms saying they knew how I felt and were going through the same and also needing reassurance. Although I was sitting in South Africa, thousands of miles away from most of the other moms, I felt immediately part of a community who share the incredible privilege and awesome task of raising multiples. The honesty and openness of the comments was incredible.

What the moms had to say was both simple and profound, and in most cases would work with singletons too. It has already changed my life. I thought a summary of the comments make be helpful to the moms out there. Perhaps one or two of these strategies will help make this challenging stage more manageable. More

Friday Funny: Wake Up Jammin’!

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This 2 year old wakes up jammin’ to some tunes! So funny!!

Do you have a funny video of your multiples you would like to be featured on our website? Send the YouTube link to Can’t wait to see them!!

Friday Funny: Oh Boy!

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These twin boys are having fun dancing, and then…. just watch… lol

You can send your videos to be featured on our website to – YouTube links are preferred but not required. Have a great weekend!

Friday Funny- Falling is Fun!

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you can send your video to be featured to Community@ – YouTube links are preferred but not required.

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