Twiniversity Tips: Potty Training

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A Mother in Utah took potty training to a new level a couple weeks ago. How so? She took the potty training straight to the dining table… in the middle of a crowded deli. That’s right. She took along two potty chairs, one for each of her twin girls, undid their jumpsuits down to their ankles and let them sit on their potties while eating chicken nuggets. How are your children going to learn how to GO TO the potty, if they are not getting up and GOING TO the potty? Children need to learn that there is a time a place to go to the potty and to hold it long enough to make it to a bathroom.

I am potty training my twins at the moment so I know all too well how hard it is when you are in public and your child suddenly tells you “I have to go potty.” Especially if you are all alone with your multiples and there is no one to run interference with the other child/children; you have to drag everyone into the bathroom. Then you have to try to keep your other child/children from touching everything in the bathroom and from unlocking the stall door, all while you are trying to encourage your other child to do their business in this strange environment.  If they have previously experienced the loud noise of auto-flushing industrial toilets, they may get apprehensive and then not go after all. But potty training has its setbacks and you have to expect that they will happen. Just go with the flow, even if that flow doesn’t happen in the potty.

So today we will review some guidelines for potty training your kids: More

Potty Training for Multiples, Part 2: Ready to Take the Plunge


So you think you’re ready to take the plunge into potty training? If one (or both) of your twinnies are genuinely showing an interest and you have all that you’ll need to get started; prepare yourself for one wild journey and hold on tight!

Beginning the potty training process will require lots of patience and persistence from us as parents. And more often than not, will seem downright frustrating at times. However, just as the old saying goes, “Nothing worthwhile happens overnight.” With a few simple tips and frequent trips to the potty, your twinnies will be flushing all your worries away in no time! More

Potty Training for Multiples, Part 1: Preparing to Get Started


June & Jasmine excited about their new potties

Potty Training. Two words that every multiple parent dreads hearing. In part, because there are so many unpredictable questions to be answered, when training not just one, but two or three babies. What do you need to get started? When should you start? Which rewards work best? And what should you do, if things don’t go as planned?

Introducing our twinnies to the potty can be exciting, if you make it fun and keep your expectations reasonable.  When they receive their first potty, (most likely) they’ll both be feeling like queen/king(s) of their new thrones. But that’s just the beginning… More