Friday Funny :: Can Men Handle Childbirth Labor?

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This is one of the funniest videos you will see! Two men start our saying that “According to women childbirth is the worst kind of pain their is. And did you know according to women us men can’t any of handle it! And did you know that according to men, women exaggerate everything?” So they set off to prove they can handle childbirth with an experiment. (This experiment was conducted by a Dr. Don’t try this at home!)

“Pushed Like There Was No Tomorrow”

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Written by: Toby Amir Fox

It was August 14, 2008. The only thing worse than being pregnant in Arizona in the summer is being pregnant with twins during the Arizona summer. So by the time I reached 36 weeks in mid-August I was miserable. Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled to have made that far without any complications, but I was huge, hot and exhausted.  At 36 weeks 5 days the decision was made to induce my labor. The babies and I were both healthy, but for two weeks my blood pressure had been on the high end of normal. I was also very swollen and my doctor felt that the risk me of staying pregnant developing complications outweighed the benefits to the babies. So off to the hospital we went.

The induction started at 10:30 am and I labored without any major complications for the rest of the day and into the night. Around 11:15 pm two things started to happen: my epidural began to wear off and I started to feel my contractions more intensely. I paged the nurse, who determined it was time to push. Now this is when things started getting really interesting. I was determined to deliver vaginally and agreed to deliver in the operating room in case there were complications. The next 15 minutes were a blur as the staff prepared to transfer me. I remember very little of what happened during this time, with one exception. I clearly remember my doctor coming over to my beside for a quick chat with my husband and me. At which point he calmly explained that it was getting close to midnight and there was a real possibility that our twins would be born on two different days, with two different birthdays. Were we ok with this and did we have a preference one way or the other? More

The Best Laid Plans: Part 2

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This article was written by Mike Poff, a great writer for Multiplicity. A following of the wit, wisdom and everyday adventures of one of the foremost at home dads around! 7 kids, one set of Quads, a slew of dogs, cats, horses, cattle all on a 40 acre farm in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. What could go wrong? Mike Poff contributed the amazing article: The Best Laid Plans in our inaugural issue of Multiplicity. Take a look his blog, So Not your Average Dad, to find some interesting info about life as the “Quadfather”.


“Pressing the emergency ringer, I hugged my daughters tightly and instructed them to go by the window and pray for their mom. There was a little Christmas display of cards and a little wooden Christmas tree with four happy snowmen waving from it there. They went and began urgently telling God how much Mommy needed His help.

At that moment my in-laws appeared in the room and I quickly explained that their daughter was in convulsions. I instructed them that they needed to stay and pray with their granddaughters while I quickly had to find a doctor. Running to the nurses’ desk, I found myself calmly explaining what was happening, though I was emphatically pressing upon the urgency that they needed to get our doctor right away.

I have always been one to remain oddly calm in a crisis and this trait had served me well over the years. So now I was finding help, explaining the situation, and keeping everyone else as calm and focused as possible. Rushing back to the room with a nurse and an on-call Ob/Gyn Doctor in hot pursuit, calmness was not what we encountered. More