Written by Ann Blizzard

“When your newborn twins are going to an event, is it probable that your departure and arrival times will equal or be anywhere near your original estimates? Will you most likely be late for anywhere you go? Bonus points for figuring this out and looking presentable yourself. I have to admit, I was fairly confident this was one math equation I could execute with some accuracy. My husband must have had this same confidence as he actually announced we would be joining him at his work for the “Welcome Twins Party” at 11 am.

Perhaps this confidence was because I could now open the double stroller at will and maneuver it at normal speeds without taking out any small children. I hadn’t even told him I was able to get that monstrosity through two single doors injury free. This was the same stroller that had made us decide that one of us, perhaps even both, would need to return to school to learn the basics of engineering. I am sure many of you can appreciate these (major to us) accomplishments; perhaps you have even shed a tear or done a victory dance possible with many curious observers when you too reached this point. If you are not there yet, please know it will be possible to accomplish without any additional formal schooling. As I began my estimation, I reflected on other recent successes with my twins and household. My personal victory of finally figuring out the correct pressure to release the “easy” drop down rail on the crib without sounding like I was moving the entire house and its contents thrilled me. I had also gone two weeks, even in a sleep deprived state, to remember to put water in the wipe warmer so no wipes turned to a brown color.Even though I was the only adult factored into this equation of bringing the twins to visit my husband’s job, I had planned we were going to be out the door at 10:20 am sharp, looking and smelling, well, normal. As many of you more experienced parents of multiples know, arrival and departure times can many times be as elusive as sleep, due to the wide range of variables. I knew I would need extra diapers and clothing for our visit…”

… To read more check our free Spring issue of  Multiplicity magazine! The rest of the story is on page 26 &27. Check out the other great stories too!

Written by Ann Blizzard  – Mother of seven year old twins and a 5 year old son. Ann and her husband Brian have learned much from parenting their twin seven year old daughters and five year old son. They try to remember to keep their sense of humor while remembering much like life; parenting is a journey not a destination. Ann enjoys sharing her life experiences and coaching parents on their individual journeys. Email Ann or find her at Kids Make It Real.