Celebrate Spring with Scribble Town! Win a Gift Certificate to the ScribbleStore!


Scribbleshop.com is officially open for business. This amazing online craft store is your one-stop-shop for creative craft supplies. From craft sticks to hook rugs (a Diaz family favorite) they have everything your craft makin’ heart can desire.

With a special eye on crafts that bring your family together, Scribble Shop would like to offer Twiniversity Members the chance to win TWO $25 gift certificates to use in their online store!

Easter is just a week away, so now is a GREAT time to sit down with your twinnies and get scribbley with some of their fun crafts! Recently the ScribbleFolks posted this cool craft that’s easy, inexpensive, and fun for all ages. Featured on their ScribbleBlog this craft will center our family table.

In our house, everyone loves to decorate Easter Eggs, but yes, we are totally tired of the same old dip and twirl eggs that I grew up with. So this year, thanks to my ScribbleFriends, we are making decorative Egg Animals! More

Learning Through Play – Why Kids Need to Just Be Kids To Learn.

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Contributed By: Kristen of Twins at Play!*

Kids need to get messy. Kids need to explore, get their hands covered in goo, and play. They need to play to learn, they need to learn through play. There have been studies done that show if a child is set in a classroom and made to be a strict student from an early age, they have no upper hand advantage over a child that was allowed to be a child and play to gain their knowledge. When you hear the term “learning through play”, don’t think of a kid sitting there rolling around a car and compare it to a kid sitting at a desk being drilled by flash cards and worksheets. That is not what learning through play is.

Learning through play is taking normal learning concepts and making them fun, interesting, expressive, artistic, in depth, creative, hands on, customized, and nurturing.

The children are still learning all of the important basics that they need, just in a way that is better for them, their heart, mind, body, and soul. Have you ever heard of, or read an article, or maybe saw a movie, about an overworked child that stresses so much over academics because they are pushed so hard and then desire to work so hard that it starts to have lasting effects on them and their sanity?  What is positive about that? What is positive about forced learning, or forced therapy for a child with a disability, like Autism? If a child is miserable, feeling overwhelmed, upset, angry, or frustrated, are they really learning more than a child who is allowed to learn through play at a pace that works for that individual child?


URGENT NEWS: 5 Month Old Infant Passes Away in PeaPod Travel Crib


Daniel M. June 2011 - December 2011"I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, 'My Lord, what will the outcome of this be?' He replied, 'Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end... Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end… As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.' " - Daniel 12: 8-13

Twiniversity Member Christine Moyers writes:

“On Dec. 23 my son Daniel died of “positional asphyxiation” — he suffocated — while sleeping in his PeaPod Travel Crib. Yesterday I spoke with Dr. Jessica French, the medical examiner who conducted my son Daniel’s autopsy, and while it will take a few more weeks for the results to be finalized, she can say now that Daniel suffocated, and did not die of SIDS.

The PeaPod Travel Crib has non-breathable lower siding.”

Christine goes on to say “I asked Dr. French if Daniel would still be alive if I had not put him in the PeaPod Crib — and she said yes, he would be. He was a healthy, thriving, beautiful baby boy.

This was an accident in an unsafe product. I know that intellectually. But our job as parents is to protect our babies. And for that I feel like a failure.

Please pass this information along to anyone and everyone you know. According to the company, “hundreds of thousands” of these tents have been sold. Given what we now know, NO BABY should sleep in a PeaPod Travel Crib.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is nearly finished with its investigation. I would expect that the company will be asked to recall the product, but I don’t know how things will unfold yet. It may take months, so by passing this email along, you could save a child’s life.

Please keep Daniel and our family in your prayers. -Christine”

Twiniversity contacted KidCo today and spoke with Ken Kaiser, President. “We are very sad about this.” Mr. Kaiser said. “We have no plans to recall any products at this time and are waiting for the reports from the CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission)”.

KidCo also issued a statement on March 13th saying “KidCo is deeply saddened to learn of this infant fatality through the http://www.saferproducts.gov site. At KidCo, our top priorities are the safety of our products. Our company is fully cooperating with the CPSC to determine if SIDS or some other cause may be involved since so little information has been provided. Tens of thousands of the P201 KidCo Pea Pod have been sold and no injuries have been reported. For more information, consumers can contact KidCo at 1-800-553-5529”

Christine Moyers is a member of the Manhattan Twins Club as well as Twiniversity. Our deepest condolences go out to the Moyers family and we promise to keep Daniel and the rest of your family in our prayers. -Natalie Diaz, Founder of Twiniversity and Director of the Manhattan Twins Club

UPDATE: Product recalled 11-16-2012 read here for details.

Twin Language? Encouraging your twins to communicate and reach their verbal milestones.

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Did your twins have their own language? Are you worried that they aren’t saying enough? Are you worried that their “Twin Talk” will result in a language you won’t understand? Well good news, researchers have found that early stages of “Twin Talk” is nothing to be concerned about. “Twin Talk” or “Twin Speak” is nothing more than then babies mimicking each others babble. This is their first attempt to verbally communicate with each other and try to be more like mom and dad.  Often folks call it “Twin Talk” because it occurs very early on with multiples. Some say it’s a true secret language, others say that it’s just happening because there are two babies in the same stage of language development in your home. You be the judge! Do you think these twinnies were having a real “conversation” about…say…the weather, or snack time, or were they simply mimicking the noises the other was making?


Some tips on getting your twinnies to communicate with you are:

  1. Practice makes perfect. Have conversations with your young kiddos. There is no need for “baby talk” all the time. Speak to your children in your regular voice and describe everyday things. If they are sitting in bouncy seats or playing on the floor, explain what you are doing step by step. Pretend you are the host of a cooking show and teach them how to make french toast. Maybe this will stick in their noggins and you’ll have gourmet chefs on your hands when they get older!
  2. Reading time is more important then you know. Not only does it soothe your child when they hear your voice, but being able to follow along in a book will help them with number and letter recognition. This is the building block of reading and writing and you can start as early as you like.  More

5 Quick Hair Fixes for Moms on the Go!

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Being a mom of multiples is the best job in the world! But its a hard one! Keeping up with your little munchkins is first on the list on things to do, so usually taking care of yourself gets pushed to last. When you get ready to go out, your hair rarely gets done. Usually it goes up into a scrunchie and you don’t give it another thought until you pass a mirror and freeze, realizing that disheveled woman staring at you, is actually YOU. You wish you had more time to yourself, but let’s face it, until your kids go off to school, you’re stuck with having your “me” time when they’re in bed. So I’ve come up with five quick and easy fixes to keeping yourself looking great while chasing after your kids 🙂

1. Always Use A Good Shampoo and Conditioner

Shampoo and conditioner can be pretty pricey and not everyone wants to shell out fifteen bucks a bottle. Especially a mommy on a budget! So here are my two favorite (and very affordable) brands: Treseme and Garnier Fructis. Most shampoos sold in drugstores are unhealthy for your hair because if you look under what’s in the shampoo formula they use alcohol which dries out your hair and causes more split ends. Treseme and Garnier Fructis both are alcohol free, are sold in pretty much every drugstore and both run about $3 a bottle, maybe a little less if you use coupons from your paper. More

Dining Without the Whining

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Donna B. and her twinnies!

Dining out with kids is not always easy, and when you have multiples it can add some new challenges. Yet adding to that challenge is the “no kids allowed” movement that is popping up in restaurants among other places. Is this discrimination or a smart move on the part of these businesses? You might expect this at upscale restaurants where a quiet atmosphere is favorable. Some parents would agree with Bronwyn R., mother to three year old twins, that it is “irritating to schedule a very RARE night out with [your] hubby and without [your] screaming kids, only to have to listen to somebody ELSE’S screaming kids.” Tracy L., mother of seven year old twins adds, “[There is] nothing like a much needed date night and the kid in the booth behind you is throwing a tantrum. I don’t mind kids in a chain-type restaurant, but in a more upscale place, I’d like to not hear kids when I’m trying to escape mine for a couple hours.” More

Kicking and Cleaning!

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Ok, I admit it. I have washer envy. You would too if you saw what the Diaz Duo and I did at the “Kicking and Cleaning” event hosted by Electrolux. Did you know their Perfect Steam washer/dryer can handle 89 men’s undershirts in ONE wash/dry cycle? SERIOUSLY! Wait, it gets better.  Did you know that the entire wash/dry cycle is 29 minutes? WHAT? Why have I been wasting my time with my current laundry set up? WHY? Oh the hours I’ve spent washing, drying, washing, drying, washing, drying (do you see where I’m going with this?). I could have spent all that time working on my book or knitting a few dozen blankets!

I was privileged to learn all this at the “Kicking and Cleaning” event that the Diaz Duo and I recently attended hosted by Electrolux. How could we not go to an event titled “Kicking and Cleaning”?

While the Diaz Duo was busy attending a  soccer clinic hosted by legendary World Cup Champion soccer star, Brandi Chastain, the other moms and I were developing that washer envy I spoke about above.

Brandi, herself a mother of two, also has washer envy! Brandi said, “As a World Cup Champion soccer player, I’ve washed a lot of uniforms during my career, but nothing compares to the laundry I do as a mom.  And with my new washer from Electrolux, my clothes get cleaner than with any other washer.  So I can spend less time on laundry and more time at my kids’ games.”

To top it off Ms. Kelly Ripa herself took to the field where she was promptly given a ball which ended up being kicked right into my son’s head. Yup, you read that correctly, lol.  She accidentally kicked a soccer ball right into my son’s face (jersey #55). NO WORRIES, he was totally fine, and to be honest I think he would have let her do it again if she asked. He was a bit star struck.

“I love doing laundry,” said Kelly.  “I look at soccer uniforms as the ultimate challenge – the grass stains, the mud, the smell.  It’s no picnic, but I revel in being able to remove them all and my Electrolux Perfect Steam washer and dryer help me do just that.”

Kelly checking in with Johnny!

Did you know: The Electrolux Perfect Steam washer has the largest capacity available, big enough to wash the whole team’s laundry, and then some. Plus, with the fastest wash and dry time of just 29 minutes (15 minutes to wash, 14 minutes to dry), a load of laundry is completed in less time than it takes to play the first half of a soccer game. The Perfect Steamwasher also adds steam to select wash cycles for better stain removal, so tough grass stains don’t stand a chance.

The other day on our Twiniversity Facebook page we asked what your proudest parenting moments were.  Now we are asking you to go share them online at Facebook.com/Electrolux or Kelly-Confidential.com.

Why? Well Electrolux will donate $1 to charity partner Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a new Perfect Steam™ washer and dryer when you tell them your proudest moment. I shared my moment, now it’s your turn.

The entire Electrolux appliance collection is available nationwide through select independent appliance dealers and at Best Buy, Lowe’s and Sears.  To learn more about the new appliances and how you can help support OCRF, visit www.electroluxappliances.com.

I didn't want to stand to close to Kelly. She is so cute and petite that I felt like an Amazon.

A big “THANK YOU” to Electrolux, Kelly Ripa, and Brandi Chastain for this amazing opportunity, as well as for sponsoring this post. You guys have helped create a proud parenting moment in my life. There could never be enough words written to appropriately thank you for that amazing experience.  -Nat

Need something the whole family can listen too? Try the “The Merry Goes Round” by Jewel

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Recently Twiniversity sent out a few copies of the new Jewel CD to our members. “The Merry Goes Round” is the multi-platinum singer/songwriter’s follow-up to her successful “Lullaby” release. We asked our parents’ what they thought of the new album and here is what they said:

“The new CD by Jewel is a hit!  My twins were captivated at once starting with the first song- Sammy the Spider.  It makes you think of spiders in a whole new light- like little creatures just trying to have a good life and raise a family.  (Another favorite was) The ‘Supermarket Song’ will make you laugh, every Mom who has ever had a child in the cart reaching for and begging for bright shiny boxes on the shelves will relate to that tune.  Also found on this CD is ‘My Favorite Things.’  This is one of my favorite songs to sing to my twins, so I was anxious to hear Jewel’s rendition.  I mean, how do you compete with Julie Andrews on this song?  Well, Jewel did a completely unique take on the song that made it all her own.  She made a blues version that is fantastic! ” said twin mama Kathy Byrd. More

Do your children fear the doctor?

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Doctors are our friends and help us get better. But sometimes children develop a fear of going to the doctor. This fear could stem from a bad experience, an active imagination about the unknown, the reactions of those around them, their growing concern for personal privacy, or feelings of guilt.

Educate your children– It is important to first understand that each age group has specific needs and concerns as well as each child being unique in how they perceive things. Assess what your child already understands and ask them if they have any questions or concerns.

For young children you may need to demonstrate what will happen at the appointment as well. Michele F. said before her twins 3 year checkup “We talked about what was going to happen. I did a few of the things (blood pressure, hearing test etc…) first to make sure they understood what would happen.” Make sure when you are explaining you use positive words. Brandy says “I’ve always said that we ‘get’ to see the doctor or dentist… and they end up thinking of it like a play date.” Beware of over-emphasizing that “it won’t hurt” since this can cause your child to become alarmed. More

Use color coding to organize your life!

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Is raising twins disrupting your organization? Have you considered a color code system? Many parentsfind assigning each child a color helps restore order to the household.
I started color coding my kids with their baby bottles. One child was receiving special medication and I didn’t want to mix it up and give it to the wrong baby. And as a tired new mom, after putting the medicine in the bottle and walking to the other room to give it to them I would forget which bottle I had put the medicine in!
My babies are now toddlers and I still use color coding with their sippy cups. I have one twin who is very assertive and if he dropped his cup he will swipe his brothers. But this way I know who lost their cup and I can restore order quickly!
At first I thought this was something we would eventually grow out of, but some families have continued to color code their school aged children thus teaching accountability, lessening arguments,and just simply keeping track of who needs to put their stuff away! So where can you color code to help you keep organized? Here are some ideas to you get started!

  • School items – Back packs, lunch boxes, notebooks, folders, pencil pouches. One mother even said she “buys paperclips in her child’s colors so that she can keep track of her kid’s homework and notes from school.”
  • Kitchen – Baby bottles, sippy cups, plates, place mats.
  • Bathroom – Buy tooth brushes, wash rags and bath towels in each person’s color or easily add a ribbon tag onto bath towels. Now you can know who left their wet towel on the floor!
  • Laundry – Sort and fold each child’s clothing in their own color of basket. This will help everyone to pitch in and put up their own laundry.
  • Play stuff – Bikes, helmets and swimming goggles.
  • Personal items – Pacifiers, pacifier clips, blankets, shoes, coats, sleeping bags.
  • Medicine bottles – It is important not to mix up medicines. Color code your families medicine bottle cap with a marker or sticker. Or Target Pharmacy will do it for you with color code rings!
  • Calendars – Do your kids have a bunch of after school activities to keep track of? Use colored markers or highlighters to see at a glance who needs to go where.
  • Milk Bands – These are breastfeeding bracelets that help you keep track of when and for how long your baby was last fed as well as what side they fed on. But instead of changing the arm your bracelet is on you just flip it over; one side says left and the other says right.
  • Mothers Ring – These usually have the stone of the month the children were born, since it would be the same color stones for multiples; why not instead use the color you assigned to each child.This would make each stone uniquely theirs!

Here is what some mom’s had to say:
Amanda T. “We do pink and blue. I loved when they started to recognize ‘their color’ and there was less fighting.”
Kasie P. – “Twin A is blue, twin B is green and big brother is orange! I color code EVERYTHING….cups,bowls, plates, utensils, toothbrushes, blankets, toys….anything and everything! Has made life so mucheasier when someone’s cup is missing if it’s your color that’s gone, you find it, no fighting or saying ‘it’snot mine!’ It has worked very well for us!”
Eve D. “I did pink and purple to help out family and friends. I’m so glad I did as 11 years later I can tellwho is who in pictures as I finally start finding some time to do some organizing.”
Diana L. “We don’t do it for clothes but we started when they were infants color coding bottles thensippy cups. We use blue and green and they are now almost 3 and very territorial about their colors. Ithink it has worked very well for us.”
Emily H. “We did and still try but it seems they always pick the opposite color to wear. My poor extendedfamily, just when they think they have them figured out!“
Jill M. “The infant car seats I had were identical and my boys were different sizes so I looped a toy ring in their color around the handle to know which seat to put each baby into so I didn’t have to readjust the strapsevery time. This also helped others to know who was who when they were in the seats.”

Written by contributing editor Jill Marcum.

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