A Twiniversity member asks:

“I have 3 month old twin boys who both love their swings. Luckily they do not ALWAYS sleep in their swings, but Baby B, who is type A, likes to sleep in the swing for nap time. My question is how long did you keep your swing for your  twins? Thanks for any advice!”

Our moms answered:

“We stopped using the swing at 7 months. They started sitting up in it so it was obvious it was time.” Melissa, NJ

“We also gave up the swing when they were starting to look over the sides and it was obvious they were thinking about getting out (even though they were strapped in). It was hard because my girls would only nap in the swings!” Mattie, CA

“We only had one swing and we got rid of it when our twins were about 7 months because they just didn’t want to be strapped into it anymore.” Lisa, CT

“Ahhh , I loved those swings almost as much as they did..LOL!. We stopped using them at around 5-6 months when they were pretty much done with them and were looking to get out. One of my girls would love to nap in it and the other loved the floor mats.” Claudia, NY

“My boys are ten months old and we use the swing every day. They fight naps like crazy unless I put them in the swing. It’s like a sleeping pill for them! They’ll take a two hour nap in the swing as opposed to a 20-30 min nap. I know we’ll have to give it up someday but I am in no hurry. They don’t fight me about gettting in it.” Jenny, NC

“We didn’t get rid of the swing until my little one could reach up and grab the mobile pieces and strong enough that the 3 point harness didn’t do the job (10 months). My Baby A lived in that thing, she just needed the swinging to calm her even when awake. I have since learned from an child OT that swinging is actually very good for sensory development which made me feel better because I felt guilty that we used it so much.” Julie, FL

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