About a week ago I was having lunch with some awesome blogger friends and the topic of Pinterest came up.

Truth: I had never heard of it but I pretended to know what they were talking about since they were so into it.

Truth: Even after they were discussing it at length, I still had NO FREAKIN clue what they were talking about.

Ok, so here is the skinny on Pinterest:

What is Pinterest?: Pinterest is a new type of social media photo site which allows you to share your interests and items that you find on the web.  Yeah, still confused. I was too.

Who uses Pinterest?: Everyone from your daughter to your grandma. This site is easy to use once you get the hang of it. But I’ll tell ya, it’s a little heavy on the “chick” side of things, so not sure if your hubby or son will be Pinterested in having their own boards. There are topics like “Sports” and “Geek”, but some of those are even pretty chick heavy. Just my two cents on that though.

Why Pinterest?: It’s fun, it sparks my creative juices and inspires me. I’m pretty sure that is why most people get Pinterested. (yes I like using that word, it’s fun.)

What you need to know if you want to get started on Pinterest:

  1. You need to be invited. Here’s your personal invite from yours truly:  http://pinterest.com/invited/?email=natalie%40Twiniversity.com&invite=b629cff7
  2. Next decide what “boards” to create (a.k.a. items that interest you that you would like to keep sorted). Envision this as a giant wall with ton of cork bords on it. You can have “themes” to the board like “Things I Want to Make.” or “Great Craft Ideas.” or “Genius Ideas.” or “Crochet Patterns.” etc. This will help you sort all the new items you find that you fall in love with. Don’t worry, you can alway create more boards later so start slow.
  3. Get to Pinnin! By using my invite you will already have access to some items I “pinned”, if you like em, you can pin em too. You can also search by categories (sort at the top of the page) and pin some of your own awesome finds. All of these photos/pins will link to you to the article online that it’s connected with. This is fantastic since the photo captures just the flavor of the story and might inspire you to find out more. So you see, Pinterest is a wealth of great info too.
  4. Next, add your friends. Click (or scroll over) your profile pic in the upper right hand corner and you can “invite friends”. You can find your facebook friends too or even send some emails out to folks you think might like to try it out.
  5. Ok, you are on your way. We can’t wait to see what boards you come up with.

Wanna see some things I LOVE LOVE LOVE….

How about these bunk beds for your twinnies?

That is made up of magazine pages! It took the woman who made it 15 hours just rolling the pages! I so want to do this!

What are you waiting for, join the Pinsanity! If you are still confused, jump right in and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. See ya online – Nat

P.S I just pinned this post, lol You can too, there is a link at the beginning of this post, go for it!