Just over a year ago, Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burka became the proud “Papa” and “Daddy” to twins Harper Grace and Gideon Scott via surrogacy.  They were with their twins from the start in the hospital and jumped right into diaper duty.  They told People that their remarkable Nanny was sleep training them and was the reason they were not calling the pediatrician every half hour.  Harris said the biggest adjustment was the sleep deprivation.

Fast forward a year and Harris told Parade “I love watching them learn to understand language. And watching them interact with each other is fantastic.”  Having each other also gives the twins a natural companion, and someone to explore the world with, Harris adds.  He also said “We’re lucky that we have two because they always have a playmate and they get to learn complicated concepts like sharing and cooperation,” he says. “They get to learn those things a little earlier because they’re with each other all the time. Watching their minds tick is fun.”