Flying often evokes anxiety in people on it’s own, let alone with twins or more in tow. Here are some tips to ensure that your trip goes as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

When To Travel:

Traveling for pleasure? Travel “off season” as much as possible. If you aren’t locked in to particular dates, find out when the slow season is for your destination. Holidays are usually the busiest travel times of the year, so booking the week or two AFTER major holidays will typically ensure that where you are headed will be a bit less crowded. Think about it, if folks are taking their children away during a school break, are they really going to extend it another week? If you are heading down to Disney World or to Disney Land the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is usually a ghost town. Booking a Disney vacation for the first or second week of December is a GREAT bet if you want to avoid the crowds.

If you are traveling oversea’s call the hotel and do your homework on when their slow season is. True, the weather might not be perfect, but if you are the type of person who likes to avoid crowds, this is the time to go.

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